
September 25, 2003

Food for thought

Christ is the Master; the Scriptures are only the servant. The true way to test all the Books is to see whether they work the will of Christ or not. No Book which does not preach Christ can be apostolic, though Peter or Paul were its author. And no Book which does preach Christ can fail to be apostolic, although Judas, Ananias, Pilate, or Herod were its author.
... Martin Luther, Introduction to the New Testament

This to me is so interesting. It both gives us an impression of what to do about the other scriptures that have come up since the bible was compiled, and also gives a sense of redemption... the thought that if Pilate or Herod or Judas or me or Peter could write something that preached Christ crucified and resurrected, that too could be considered apostolic alongside some of the Biblical writings. There is none who are unredeemable. That is what sets Christianity apart, methinks.
For all of my fans out there (grin) just wanted to update you health-wise. I'm on day three of pain levels less than 4 and I am so so glad!! I'm not sure what precipitated this break from the pain but I'm going to enjoy it while I can - I have an overwhelming sense of wariness about when the other shoe will drop!

September 23, 2003


I don't care what side of the political spectrum you're on... read all the way through this comic and you'd have to be dead not to see some kind of link to our culture...

Link from miketodd.ca.
More of my favourite people...
Awhile ago I posted about favourite people, that is, those who seem to just make your day sparkle. This week I have two among many, for I am learning in this place of desperation more about what Community is truly about.
First let me spotlight the four who helped me move some furniture last night. It's such a small thing, really, but since I can't move furniture myself, I have to invite other people to help me with it! Thanks to Jessica, Eva, Dave and DJ for helping out last night. I appreciate all of you.
Secondly, to my friend Shannon, who seems to sparkle every time I see her. Thanks for coming over and sharing lunch with me last week... to quote the movie Sister Act: "That girl is pure sunshine!"
There are many more, and I hope to write about you later this week. you are loved!
It's been awhile, eh?
I don't currently have internet access at home so my blog is getting out of date fast! sorry out there to the audience of one who reads this.... I might be reconnecting with ADSL so stay tuned for more from the crazy mixed up world of jocelyn. For those who are unfamiliar with me and/or my life, I am a student at Simon Fraser University, a member of Cedar Grove Church in Surrey, BC, Canada, and currently am walking through a rather rough patch of life. My passions centre on creating and building community, especially but not exclusively among believers in Christ and on investigating how the church interacts with culture.
I am currently battling a currently mysterious physical problem which manifests itself in deep and excruciating pain in my leg. I am a wheelchair user and have been since childhood due to paralysis from a spinal cord tumour at birth. So... that makes the pain all the more interesting since I haven't ever had sensation in that leg at all! Wow. What an interesting world we live in. I am a student of Cell Biology and am constantly fascinated by the way our world interacts with itself - I can only speculate on how my own cells are currently misbehaving. It's interesting, but getting very old.
I am tired of this pain and ready for it to go away. However, I do believe that God knows what's going on and that He has a plan for right now. I just wish He would share it with me. People keep asking what God is telling me so that they can pray with me towards that end, but I feel helpless when I tell them that all I know definitively is that God told me four months ago that he was preparing me for something.
And so I continue, muddling through this rough patch, this "valley of Bacca," trying to spiritually make sense of what is going on with me. Thanks for sharing it with me.

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